The Christmas lights turn on is a magical time in Clovelly. Starting at 4 pm in the afternoon, a local brass band leads the procession down to the harbour, with festive Christmas carols sung along the way.

There’ll be a hog roast, hot dogs, Christmas grog and other refreshments available at the Harbour and Lifeboat Station.
Then, Father Christmas will make a surprise visit!
After the Carol Service lead by a local vicar and sung by a local choir, the switch is thrown and the entire village and harbour lights up.
It’s a fantastic sight!
Then there is a grand finale of fireworks to finish off the festivities.
For those in the mood for a light snack or dinner, the Red Lion bar and restaurant are open as is the the Up-along bar at the New Inn.
Entrance fee: £10 per car at the Visitor Centre after 2 pm. All proceeds to RNLI
(Please note that it would not be good to bring your dogs along with you too as the sound, flashes and smells of fireworks
trigger their nervous system and can make them very stressful)